
With most healthcare organizations having razor thin margins, a small disruption to your revenue cycle can be catastrophic. 我们通过改善人员(组织结构和资源分配)来帮助组织提高收入周期的各个方面。, processes, 和技术.



LBMC在这里支持您 医疗实践 医疗保健组织的目标是在合规环境中运营的同时提高财务绩效. 我们广泛的资源使我们能够在整个收入周期内有效地支持客户,包括患者访问, 否认管理), 中电荷捕获, pricing, 文档, coding, 临床文件改善, 收入的完整性, 拒绝管理)和返回(计费), 应收账款决算, 否认管理, 供应商管理). 明升体育app下载服务提升 people, processes, and technology 对于小型(特定问题和部门)和大型项目(收入周期转换).


  • 净收入增加
  • 提高效率/降低成本
  • 加强客户服务
  • 降低了风险
  • 提高员工满意度


  • Small Engagements: specific issues and departments
  • Large Engagements: revenue cycle transformation


  • 性能改进
  • 收益周期整合
  • 转换
  • 技术实施支持
  • 资源支持
  • 临时领导
  • 复杂项目管理
  • Reporting & 基准测试
  • 业务变更支持

LBMC Adds Revenue Cycle Expert to Healthcare Advisory Practice

LBMC, a top 3 accounting and business consulting firm in the Southeast, is pleased to announce the addition of 莱恩杰克逊 as Shareholder to its rapidly growing healthcare advisory practice. 杰克逊加入了LBMC 医疗保健咨询业务 as leader of the firm’s revenue cycle service offering.

Jackson brings 30 years of experience serving healthcare provider clients exclusively. 在加入LBMC之前, 他曾担任一家大型专业服务公司的合伙人和医疗保健商业咨询实践主管,000名国内雇员. His wide-ranging experience includes leading complex revenue cycle transformation, compliance, 集成, 整合, restructuring and electronic medical record (EMR) implementation engagements, including for a $5 billion healthcare provider. Jackson has extensive experience serving healthcare provider systems, 学术医疗中心, large physician groups and other specialty providers.

“我们很高兴Lane加入LBMC,领导我们不断增长的医疗收入周期服务,” said 马克Burnette, Shareholder, Practice Leader, LBMC Advisory Services. “鉴于目前的财政问题, regulatory uncertainty and recruitment and retention challenges, a healthy and effective revenue cycle is more critical than ever. Lane带来了收入周期方面的专业知识,以扩大明升体育app下载医疗保健咨询能力,以满足客户在这个不断变化的环境中的需求. 帮助明升体育app下载客户应对挑战, 我们很自豪能够继续发展, 提供咨询和商业智能方面的解决方案,帮助他们保护自己拥有的东西并利用机会.”

他持有西肯塔基大学理学学士学位,是HFMA和AICPA的成员. 他完成了西北大学凯洛格管理学院的企业决策课程. He is a noted thought leader and frequent presenter, 会议的作者和主持人, including President Obama’s Commission on Care, Veteran’s 政府 Revenue Cycle Assessment.


How can a healthcare organization improve its revenue cycle management?

改善收益周期管理, healthcare organizations should focus on streamlining patient registration, 核实保险资格, enhancing coding and 文档 practices, 优化索赔提交, 改进拒绝管理, 利用收益周期分析, implementing clear patient financial policies, 加强病人沟通, 拥抱技术解决方案, 定期提供员工培训, fostering collaboration between departments, and effectively manage vendors that support the revenue cycle. Implementing these strategies requires a comprehensive approach to revenue cycle management. 定期评估工作表现, 监控关键指标, and adapt processes to address specific challenges and improve financial outcomes.


考虑到所有收入周期功能的整体复杂性和联系,改善收入周期可能是困难的. This complexity is due to various factors. Firstly, the healthcare industry has a multitude of payers, 包括政府项目, 私人保险公司, 自费患者, each with their own reimbursement rules and requirements. 另外, coding and billing practices are highly intricate, requiring accurate 文档 and adherence to numerous coding guidelines. The evolving regulatory landscape adds further complexity, as providers must navigate changing reimbursement policies and compliance standards. 此外, 大量的病人数据, 碎片化信息系统, 对互操作性的需求在简化流程和确保无缝数据流方面提出了挑战. Moreover, the increasing patient financial responsibility, with high deductibles and copayments, demands effective patient communication and robust financial policies. 为了克服这些复杂性, healthcare organizations must adopt advanced technologies, 实施高效的工作流程, and prioritize continuous staff training and compliance.

复杂的收入周期操作需要众多值得信赖的专家和主题专家来帮助您做出正确的决策. 明升体育app下载收入周期的深度板凳, financial, operational and clinical personnel allow us to bring the right resources to you.

What RCM Metrics You Should Care About?

The most valuable RCM metrics change based upon provider type and other factors. Broadly, we believe the following to be among the most important to measure, monitor and use for course correction. 医疗保健组织应该监控几个关键指标,以评估其收入周期管理的有效性. Here are some important metrics that they should pay attention to:

  1. Collections as a Percentage of Net Revenue: 这一指标衡量的是现金收入占净收入的百分比,通常使用净收入滞后期来计算.
  2. Denial write-offs as a percentage of net revenue: 该指标使用拒绝导致的实际核销占净收入的百分比,并用于对总体拒绝管理性能进行基准测试.
  3. 初始拒绝率: 该指标使用总初始拒绝费用占提交总费用的百分比,并允许评估总体拒绝管理效率.
  4. Bad Debt as a Percentage of Net Revenue: 这一指标是通过使用坏账冲销占净收入的百分比来计算的,并用于基准坏账管理绩效.
  5. 收取费用: 该指标将总体收入周期成本与收款金额相匹配,并有助于确定收入周期的效率.
  6. Aged Accounts Receivable (A/R) as of Percentage of Billed A/R: 这个指标强调了裁定索赔和识别“有风险”的应收账款余额所需的时间.
  7. 保险核销率: 这一指标反映了患者访问功能的及时性、准确性和效率. 它是核实的接触总数除以登记的接触总数.
  8. Days in Discharge Not Final Billed (“DNFB”) A/R: This metric is the total DNFB divided by average daily revenue. The days in DNFB should be approximately the number of established bill hold days.
  9. Late Charges as a Percentage of Total Charges: This metric helps evaluate revenue capture efficiency and is calculated as the charges with a post date > established days from date of service over total gross charges.
  10. 贷方余额收入: 这个指标有助于评估信用余额管理的有效性,它是总A/R信用余额除以平均每日收入.
  11. 病人满意度: While not strictly a financial metric, patient satisfaction plays a crucial role in revenue cycle management. 满意的患者更有可能及时支付账单,并参与积极的财务互动, reducing the risk of bad debt or collection challenges.

定期监控这些指标并将其与行业基准进行比较,可以帮助医疗保健组织确定需要改进的领域, 长期跟踪绩效, and implement strategies to enhance revenue cycle management.

What should I look for in a health care advisor?

很明显,任何顾问都应该具有深厚的技术专长和经验来帮助您解决问题. 一样重要, you should have an advisor that you enjoy working with and helps foster the right culture. 大型改造项目, 甚至那些规模较小的, require working through difficult issues and frequently working long hours. 明升体育app下载团队以合作和积极的方式帮助客户而自豪.

Link to Lane 收益周期管理

Lane Jackson


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Phone: 615-377-4600

办公时间: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday-Friday

P.O. Box 1869




3700 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 175

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